The ReBoot Wiki


The FFG-39 is a CPU Navy Ship patrolling the harbor of the Desert Port System.


The FFG-39 and the SS Cameron intercepting the Saucy Mare

When the pirates of the Saucy Mare broke out of prison and stole back their ship they tried to escape the system. The FFG-39 and the SS Cameron were sent to intercept the pirate ship before it could leave the system. Captain Capacitor spotted the FFG-39 and the SS Cameron in his spy glass and ordered battle stations.


The FFG-39 seen in Capacitor's spy glass

The two navy ships fired on the Saucy Mare, damaging its engines and hull. The pirates returned fire, causing massive damage to the SS Cameron. It sank into the Energy Sea. A small group of CPU fighters fly in attacking the Mare while the FFG-39 continues firing on the Mare. Without the Cameron, the Saucy Mare managed to get passed the FFG-39 and the CPU fighters and leave the system. (The Return of The Crimson Binome)


The FFG-39 firing


  • FFG 39 is the ID number of an Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigate named the USS Doyle.
  • The crew of the Doyle liked to watch ReBoot when it was being produced. An officer's wife sent them video tapes of the episodes. They had no idea that their ship was in the episode until they read about it on the newsgroup.