The ReBoot Wiki

Cyber Space is the reality that exists within and between computer systems. The events of ReBoot occur within cyber space.

There are numerous 'dimensions' that make up cyber space. The two largest and most well-known of these are the Net and the Web. Together, they constitute most of the world of ReBoot, containing the vast majority of its intelligent life and inhabited systems.

The Net 3

The Net

The Net is the best-known dimension. Varied, diverse, and still growing rapidly, it is inhabited by millions of people, mostly Sprites and Binomes. The Net itself is composed of innumerable "systems": complex, self-contained cities with their own populations, that exist within their own sub-dimensions within the Net. Many, though not all, of these systems are connected to each other through a network of "ports," facilitating travel, tourism, commerce, and inter-system law enforcement.


The Web

The Web, by contrast, is a feared and dangerous dimension. Seemingly too chaotic to have separate systems, it is an enormous void filled with raw data and energy that is in constant flux. It is inhabited mostly by horrifying and dangerous Web Creatures, and filled with swirling data storms and other unpredictable phenomena, rendering its environment extremely dangerous. Even the atmosphere is inherently corrosive to anyone from the Net, something only Guardians can resist.

In addition to the Net and the Web, there are other, more mysterious dimensions and sub-dimensions of cyberspace.


Sprites disappearing into the Game Realm

Game Cubes, though only known to occur within the Net, may originate from their own dimension of cyber space. The realm of the cubes appears to be a constant flux of purple game energy with no consistent landscape of its own. The cubes move randomly from system to system, entering and leaving each city through a rift that appears in the sky. Each cube is effectively a separate sub-dimension from the surrounding system after its lands, as it completely transforms the reality of the area it encloses to facilitate the game, and the cube wall is effectively impenetrable from within or without.

Shadow Realm

The Mysterious Realm

There also seems to be a 'hidden realm' somewhere within cyber space, separate from the Net, the Web, and the Game Cubes, and unknown even to the Guardians. The Guardians' Key Tools hid in this place to keep the Super Virus Daemon from using their portal-forming abilities to complete her invasion of the Net. (What's Love Got To Do With It?) Almost nothing is known about this dimension of cyber space. The Key Tools returned from this hidden realm after the defeat of Daemon. The small black portals that they used suggest it to be a place of complete blankness, a void. (Null Bot of the Bride)

The only place that exists outside of cyber space is the mysterious realm of the User.


  • Cyberspace is a domain characterized by the use of electronics and the electromagnetic spectrum to store, modify, and exchange data via networked systems and associated physical infrastructures. The term originates in science fiction, where it also includes various kinds of virtual reality experienced by deeply immersed computer users or by entities who exist inside computer systems.